Thursday, 1 October 2015

Teaching Assistant Sleeps With 15-Year-Old Boy 50 Times And Avoids JailMuslim Father Kills Daughter For Stealing Condoms

A Muslim father living in Germany has confessed to murdering his own daughter after she had been caught stealing condoms, which brought shame to their entire family. The daughter, 19-year-old Lareeb Khan, was accused by her father of having brought shame and dishonor to the family. She died when Asadullah Khan strangled the life from her body while she slept within his home.

A court in Darmstadt, Germany, recently heard about how Asadullah and his wife, Shazia, dressed their daughter in every day clothing and wheeled her out of their home in a wheelchair before getting her in the car. The two parents then drove the body of their recently deceased daughter to a secluded embankment and threw her out of the vehicle, leaving her there to be discovered.

The father, who had become enraged over a letter from the local police department, strongly disapproved. Lareeb was supposed to have a planned marriage that he had set up for her. Instead, she ran around with her boyfriend performing questionable acts.

Lareeb’s younger, surviving sister had this to say about her mother’s actions in the entire ordeal: “My Mama was not suppressed, she could do what she wanted. She used to hit me with a stick. We were never allowed to talk about her boyfriend. My father used to say my sister should be forcibly married in Pakistan.”

A trial is currently ongoing.

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