Sunday, 27 September 2015

Burglars Caught After They Got High And Fell Asleep During Crime Spree

Police managed to catch a group of three suspected burglars after they fell asleep during their crime spree while they were getting high. The criminals had previously broken into a series of houses in the neighborhood before they decided burgle a vacant home and use it to store their stolen goods. Thinking that they had earned a reward for a good days work, they began to smoke marijuana.

However, when neighbors saw the large truck outside the supposedly vacant house and heard loud music playing from the building they called police. Officers who came to investigate the disturbance opened the door to find the three men fast asleep alongside a collection of stolen items. The trio were arrested and now face charges of burglary and possession of paraphernalia.

“There was a smell of burning marijuana when you entered,” Lt. Mark Little said, adding: “mostly they were chilling out and passed out, and went to sleep until the officers got there.“

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